Hunter aligner’s ‘quick clamp’.
Several years ago we went on the hunt for what we considered the best vehicle aligner. This involved driving several hundred miles and, an unexpected trip to central Italy (which was really hard work!). What became clear from all this tireless research was that above all else we needed a system that was a) simple to use and b) had great manufacturer support from people who ‘really’ understood their system!
Several years later, and a year after we had moved into our Bollington garage, we took the plunge (after justifying spending a vast sum of money to my wife) and we installed The Hunter TD Elite optical alignment system.
This, apart from marrying my wife, has been the best decision we have ever made. The system is simple (the picture for example is of Hunter’s quick clamp targets which clap onto the targets negating any risk of damaging the vehicles wheels), has clear, concise readouts and above all is accurate. Our technicians can align any vehicle knowing that when they have completed it that the vehicle will be running as true as it possibly can be.
People who know us know that we don’t make rash decisions and that when we do, be it with equipment or tyre manufacturers, that it has been thoroughly researched and that we are confident that it will serve our customers well.